I am an expert in helping women flatten their midsections, lose 10-30 lbs, eliminate aches and ailments from improper...
Here are the most common mistakes people make in their fat loss journey: 1. You lack awareness Your dieting history,...
Summer is only 12 weeks away. Now, many ask: “How can I lose weight for summer?”. But I want to direct your focus to...
There’s a saying. It takes 4 weeks to feel a difference in your Body Transformation program. It takes 8 weeks to see...
At the commercial gym I work, I have assessed lots of beginner members who wish to slim down specific body parts –...
About 30% of the world’s population is obese today, which includes children and adults of all ages and sex. The enormous...
If you dream of having a thigh gap, you need to find a new dream. In a Victoria’s Secret Fashion show back in 2012...
Did you know that the Center for Disease Control states that from 2017-2018, “The prevalence of obesity was 40.0% among...
Fat Loss has been made over complicated for far too long now. It’s time to do something about it. I mean, just think...