If you’re trying to lose fat by following fancy diets, hitting the gym multiple times a week and popping all the...
What is Interval Training? Interval training is a type of training that consists of both high intensity and low intensity...
HIIT Workout (High Intensity Interval Workout): Not just a fad, but a great way to burn calories and kill fat. The long...
You’ve been working out hard day in and day out You think you’ve been doing everything right but you’re...
This is how I would rank the order of importance for fat loss. #1 Food If you eat too little you will lose weight quickly,...
A personal trainer gets tons of fitness questions about exercises, diets, fat loss and so on. In case you ever wondered,...
Do you want to lose your belly fat? Have you tried all the ab machines, video workouts, diets, etc yet you still can’...
You have probably heard by now of the ketogenic diet. You’ve also probably come across some pros and cons about the...
Smart weight loss is a higher ratio of fat loss and less negative metabolic consequence, and is what you all want to....