There are a near-limitless number of ways to get fit. If you ever hear a trainer tell you that the only way to get fit is...
Far too often people see fitness as something that’s going to be ‘just that easy.’ It’s tough to imagine how it...
You’re looking to lose your unwanted Lockdown companion: extra weight, but you’re seeing and reading so many different...
It’s everywhere these days. The memes tell us that if the kids don’t behave, we need to pound back a bottle of...
So you have decided to reach out and get some direction or maybe some extremely much needed help for your fitness. No...
I thank you for visiting this page. You are reading the very first blog post that I have written on Trainerize and wanted...
There are many different ways to exercise. We can see that all around us, with the plethora of methodologies like CrossFit,...
This is a topic that we should all be concerned about. With the upcoming Presidential election right around the corner,...
Being physically fit has never been more important. Statistics clearly show that those who are obese are at greater risk....