If you’ve ever scrolled through Instagram, at some point you have probably seen that there are many Instagram fitness...
Core Strength Core strengthening is a popular word used in fitness today. But what does core strength really mean and...
As kids, whether you were active and into sports or not, we all had to participate in gym class. As we get older, physical...
Like most of my posts here at Trainerize.me, I like to talk about my clients. Warren is a 41-year-old father of two, who...
Obstacle course races are taking off as one of the most popular sports in the world, with thousands of participants a. ...
Most people think of me as a fitness freak. I used to think that of myself, but not anymore. Simply put, I am now always...
Have you ever wanted to do something new–like play a new sport, buy a new dress, take a new class, or travel to a new...