Which one is better for fat loss: cardio or resistance training? Firstly, you need to decide what your ultimate goals are...
Greetings, dear reader, and welcome to the Integral Fitness blog series on health and wellbeing! This article is the...
Hey You! I’ve got a question: What do exercise and panadol have in common? They are both forms of medicine! Yes, you...
90% of people quit after 3 months of hitting the gym. Here’s how to be the exception and how to get the results you want....
Has the pandemic got you derailed from your fitness goals? You are not alone. Everyone struggles from time to time to stay...
You’re doing everything right. You’re in the gym every single day, lifting HEAVY ass weights and drinking your protein...
Exercise is known to boost your mood, improve sleep quality (especially aid in falling asleep faster), better memory and...
GRATITUDE. Not just for the “hippies” or those yoga people Gratitude is a key element to your fitness and...
The Diaphragm is a thin musculotendinous sheet that attaches to the sternum, ribcage, and lumbar vertebrae. It serves as...