In life and health, doing it right the first time often means you never have to go back and fix it, and redo it over and...
Have you ever experienced the state of Flow in your life? Where you feel completely involved, focused and concentrated on...
Fitness is something that is supposed to be positive, fun and exciting right? But when did we forget to incorporate...
The hidden benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar. Are you tired of struggling to lose weight? Maybe you’ve tried some fad...
Picture the following scene: you are training a client and he or she is doing a set of step ups. Everything is going well...
“It takes but one person, one moment, one conviction, to start a ripple of change.” – Donna Brazile...
Well4U is taking a revolutionary approach to help you reach your fitness goals! “I will work hard for the next 8 weeks,...
Need to Find Ways to Correct My Squat Form I have been working on adjusting my squat form lately. Ever since I got out of...
Although Bariatric Surgery helps to lose weight, exercise shouldn’t be set aside. Bariatric surgery, or weight-loss...