You can easily find exercises for your low back injury on the internet with a quick Google search. These generic rehab...
I’ve been studying up A LOT on parasites and the truth on them is truly disturbing! Did you know that over 90% of all...
Find out everything you need to know about Plantar Fasciitis As we get older, getting out of bed in the morning can be a...
T.U.B.E TRAINING™️ stands for THE Ultimate Band Exercise As a fitness professional one of the ways I make sure my...
Heart Rate Variability (HRV) is the physiological phenomenon of variation in the time interval between heartbeats. It is...
How do we get rid of our bad habits? Did you know that who you are depends largely on your routines and behaviors that you...
If you asked a thousand different people what “good nutrition” or “healthy eating” means, you would...
Over the years I’ve learned to listen to my body and know when foods don’t agree with me, so listen to your abs, too! I...
YOU! Wouldn’t that be pretty sweet, huh? Well, I don’t know if you are ever going to win an Oscar award like...