Teaching is a rewarding yet demanding profession that often requires educators to juggle multiple responsibilities. With...
This is a very simple question, but it takes a long time for people to come to an answer. Now, this isn’t just...
Bringing you a tiny list to do every day for a healthy life. I firmly believe in all of these little “to dos”. Let’s...
Let’s face it! As the seasons change so does our motivation to work out and eat healthy foods. The winter months...
Ideally, if your schedule allows, workout fasted or 3 hours after eating a normal size meal. Keep in mind, not everyone is...
Do you have the weight of the world on your back? We all go through periods of our life where it feels like someone or...
Exercise is known to boost your mood, improve sleep quality (especially aid in falling asleep faster), better memory and...
Here is a list of the most common misconceptions I hear in the clinic in regards to Lower Back Pain. Below I’ve busted...
You may have heard of the acronyms PRICER and do no HARM for the initial management of an acute soft tissue injury. So what...