3 Ways to Find Desire for Your Goals, and Achieve Them Once and for All Have you ever joined a gym and stopped going after...
Function and functional exercise has without a doubt become the most over used words in fitness circles to date. Doing...
One of the biggest questions I get from female clients is: “if i lift weights will i get bulky?” The answer is no....
The US Military Fitness Standards As a US Army veteran, I understand the need as well as anyone for maintaining a...
My responsibility as a trainer is to make sure I understand my client’s needs prior to making recommendations. Here’...
Some people avoid it, but is online training difficult? There are some folks who like to do things on their “own&;...
Sustainable (adjective): able to be maintained at a certain rate or level. Here’s how to build a sustainable...
Exercise is as much mental as it is physical and the hardest part of exercise is getting started. Once you have started,...
The first 21 days are the most important! Everyone who is currently in the fitness industry has been in the exact same...