I am an expert in helping women flatten their midsections, lose 10-30 lbs, eliminate aches and ailments from improper...
Here are my 6 weight loss program “musts”: 1. Patience Most individuals starting a weight loss program come...
In my twenty years of coaching people, I have mastered the safest and most effective ways to burn fat and get people lean....
Don’t Call Them Cheat Meals Every time I read or hear someone calling pizza/burgers/chips etc. “cheat meals”, I feel...
Have you ever heard someone recommend “spicy food” as a weight-loss strategy? It sounds pretty farfetched, I...
Say you were to ask everyone in the gym what their goal was? I think we can all agree “to lose some weight” would be...
Weight-loss plateaus are not the only challenge faced by people trying to lose weight. Long-Term Weight Maintenance is one...
If your goal is weight loss then define first how much weight you want to lose and add a timeline and an empowering reason...
Weight loss is hard, I have seen countless individuals attempt fads, diets, extreme workout routines, and other options to...