In today’s fitness programs, the one-size-fits-all approach is rapidly being replaced by tailored solutions that meet...
When you enter the gym, do you have a game plan etched in your mind, or are you planning to wing it? While the...
90% of people quit after 3 months of hitting the gym. Here’s how to be the exception and how to get the results you want....
My home has taken on more responsibility – School, Office, Gym, Family Game Room, Craft Corner. Maybe your home has too?...
First, let’s clarify there are numerous different methods and programs for getting fit and staying fit. Most programs...
How many times do you say “today’s the day for my comeback” only to forego your plan, for the 5th time...
In the book, The power of habit the author Charles Duhigg writes a fundamental work about building habit and make it last....
Hi again, it’s your trusted fitness coach Brett Douglas, ready to talk about a topic that a few of my past clients have...
It’s time to cover what a workout program should consist of, how many days you’re working out, what you’re working...