Thinking of fat-loss for any beginner is terrifying. There is a huge amount of information and resources on how to burn, ...
My responsibility as a trainer is to make sure I understand my client’s needs prior to making recommendations. Here’...
I hope everyone has been enjoying the warmer weather. I personally was very excited. Instead of going to the gym over the...
Do you want to know how and why you can lose six times more body fat from a 20 minute workout than 40 minutes of steady...
The key to goal setting not only in fitness but also in all aspects of life is to use the S.M.A.R.T method. All too often I...
Tempo sometimes seems overrated. Some people like to stick to certain tempos, while others just do their reps. In our...
I get asked a lot: “what does your workout routine look like?” Well, I have a general idea now, but nothing nearly as...
TOP 6 KEYS TO LOSE 10LBS OF BODY FAT 21 DAYS FITNESS PLAN Eat BREAKFAST! Front load your day of eating with PROTEIN Eat...
Life can get crazy with work, kids, and getting food on the table. It can get hard to squeeze in that time for the gym.�...