Exercise The Importance of a Deload Week in Strength

Odds are you didn’t stumble on this post by accident.

Maybe you’ve been training and training and can’t seem to get over that sticking point. Or you’ve seen a powerlifting meet and want in. Or you’re simply trying to get strong and the pre-made, generic plans aren’t cutting it.

We’ve all heard about the main components to lifting: Nutrition (diet) and Training.

However, what about the third? Recovery.

I don’t mean foam rolling for 5-10 minutes. Sitting down or laying in bed, or getting enough sleep. I mean active recovery.

Active recovery is crucial to gains and getting stronger. A mix of static and dynamic stretching, massage therapy, cryotherapy, etc.

What happens when you’ve done all of this and you still haven’t seen any progress?

Well, it could mean you are overdue for a deload week.

A deload week is when no compound movements is done.

Instead of a squat, bench, and deadlift, you focus more on accessory muscle building at a lower weight and higher reps. “I’m trying to get stronger, I just won’t go to the gym for a week.” This is not the smart move either.

Going to the gym and continually training, even for a deload week, keeps blood flowing in the muscles in the same way, and also “shock” the body, causing an adaptation in the muscles.

If you’re constantly putting an extreme amount of stress on the body via compound lifts, without a deload week in program, you’re allowing the potential for severe and career-ending injuries. Instead of that, going into the gym with a methodical plan to focus on the contraction of the muscle, versus the amount of weight lifted, gives enough time for the body to recover. It also allows the body a very brief moment to adapt to the different styles of training.

I hope this information helps someone, please contact me in regards to any questions to a deload week. Stay Strong!

STW Strength Solutions

deload week

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