ExerciseNutrition The Secret to Fast Fat Loss

As a Nutritionist and Fitness Coach, I have seen ALL of the fat loss fads over the years! A new pill or drink promises to make you skinny fast, and do it for less $$$ and they build a bunch of traction with people really quickly. We ALL want a QUICK CHEAP fix for our body….

90% of these fat loss products don’t work at all and even fewer work in a way that allows for long-lasting results. This means even if you do lose the weight the vast majority (92% last I checked) gain the weight back and then some within the 1st 6 months. That is a ridiculous number.

Does that mean all hope is lost? Does it mean you’ll never get the body of your dreams? Are you doomed to accept what you are and give up? NO!!!

Read on because I’m going to explain the science behind crazy effective weight loss in a way anyone can understand.

Step 1: Data Collection – “What gets measured gets improved!”

The first thing you need is to know where you are. Biometric scans are available at every gym in America. The big ones you need are Body Weight, Body Fat %, and Lean body mass. This will give us a good indicator of your overall health and fitness.

Step 2: “Let’s Do Some Math!”

Get with a Coach to calculate your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate). Don’t focus on TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) it isn’t necessary for this calculation just yet!

Once you have that number (BMR) we’re going to subtract 100 kcal from it. This will ensure that on eating alone we will lose an average of 1 lb per week. Next, we need to know your step count (look it up on your phone, while you are here download my fitness pal… thank me later.)

Now we know our BMR, we know our Calorie goal (BMR-100), so now we need our protein goal. The easiest method for a beginner:

  • 1 g per lb body weight goal (men)
  • 7 per lb of body weight goal (women)

Now that we have these numbers we can go to the next step.

Step 3: “MOVE!!!”

You need to walk at least 10,000 steps per day on average while maintaining a Heart Rate between 110-135 for optimal fat loss. Do this every day for the next month, and I guarantee you will lose weight. But now let’s mix it up!

Step 4: “Hoist!!!”

Start with 3 days a week for the first 8 weeks and do some form of strength training. 30 min to an hour to start and focus on getting stronger. Create the adaptation that your body needs to build muscle… Muscle mass and metabolism are directly linked. When one goes up, so does the other, so prioritize strength training and protein intake.

Step 5: “Adapt, Adapt, Adapt… and Conquer.”

Get stronger every week, make improvements every week, and add an extra strength day every, 8 weeks until you hit 6 days and then stay there for 8-12 weeks.

If you do these things right you should sit at anywhere from a 500-1000 calorie deficit each day despite still eating a normal day’s calories each day. For example, if your calorie goal is 2000 kcal but you are burning between 2500-3000 kcal per day you will lose between .5- 1.5 lbs per day!

All of this is possible without starving yourself, having to cut carbs or being miserable.

Now that you know the real secret to fast fat loss go out and conquer the gym! Destroy the weights, and seize the day! If you need any help, advice, or coaching feel free to call us over at Solstice for help!

Clayton Smitty

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