Three simple tips for a more productive day!
Some believe that what they do in the first hour of the day will dictate how constructive they are throughout the rest of it. Is it myth, truth, or is it an ingrained subconscious habit? For me, it’s splashing some cold water in my face and making myself a double espresso at 5 am!
So I did a little experiment for a month where I gathered advice and tips from successful and grounded individuals such as Tim Ferris, a Navy Fleet Admiral, Eckhart Tolle, and even Marcus Aurelius. These guys aren’t your usual fitness gurus. However, they all know that looking after their psychological wellbeing is just as important as their physical health.
After taking a few snippets from each and practicing them daily at times that suited me, I not only found myself being more productive, energetic, task focussed and empathetic towards others. I was also becoming much cleaner and tidier in the house, something my better half was very impressed with!
So here are my three effortless things that I did to make my day easier to manage. While these may seem a lot, in reality, these tasks take less than 1% of your time throughout the day.
1 – Meditate for five or ten minutes
(Really, I do five before I drift off or start planning my day)
I find that when I meditate, it enables me to ground myself. Even on days where I struggled to sleep for seven hours, meditating at the start of every morning for five minutes helped me be more focused and less stressed. I always worried about time (am I getting enough sleep, how long have I left of this workout?). Meditation was the key. It allowed me to detach from time. Practising meditation regularly put me straight into the present moment, where time feels like it does not exist (Marcus Aurelias, Eckhart Tolle are meditation advocates).
2- Make your bed
The second you get out of bed, make it. It will take you less than 2 minutes to do so. Completing an easy task at the start of the day will help you become more goal orientated throughout the rest of the day and encourage you to take on more significant jobs with more confidence. (Navy Fleet Admiral)
3 – Start your day with a tall glass of water
Hydration is key. You are made up of 98% of water. Suppose you want your cognitive performance to flourish like a 2-year-old on a constant supply of Haribo’s (every parent’s worst nightmare). Then, make water, your friend. A 5% drop in hydration can lead to a 15-20% drop in cognitive and physical performance. So if you are an early bird trainer or worker, get yourself a glass first thing. (Coach Pat)