ExerciseUncategorized Weightlifting for Fat Loss


Benefits of Weightlifting for Fat Loss

“Yeah, I’ve got to do my cardio see you later!”

If you’ve entered a gym before or have family trying to shed those extra pounds, then you’ve probably heard this or a variation of it before.

It’s widely accepted in the States that a reduction of calories and increased cardiovascular activity (cardio) is the way to shed those holiday pounds. While not incorrect this is far from the only and especially not the most effective way to lose weight. Cardio is great, something everyone should be doing for basic health; and a calorie deficit is the only way to lose weight.


When you combine these two factors with weightlifting your results, chances of success, fitness, and overall standard of living increase drastically.

Weightlifting or “strength training” comes in many forms. However, at its most basic, fundamental level it involves pushing/pulling against resistance (the weights) in order to complete a repetition of the exercise you perform.

The benefits of even just 30-60 minutes two times a week full body training for beginners are astonishing.

The increased muscle mass, increased bone density, higher BMR (basal metabolic rate) and many more health-related benefits you receive make the extra effort go a long way in helping you whatever your health or fitness goals may be.

This brings us back to our main point, fat loss.

Increased muscle mass, results in a higher BMR meaning you burn more calories by simply existing. Unlike fat which burns 2 calories per lb, muscle burns double that at 6 calories per lb. This increased mass obviously means you expend more energy (calories) to move around resulting in a further expenditure of calories.

These two factors, more muscle and thus expenditure in addition to the cardio (which also burns more calories now) result in a bigger deficit or more food to sustain the same deficit you had before your lifting journey with no additional effort on your part.

The results, although not as quick as simply doing more cardio and eating less food will with time (a few months) provide you many benefits and options on where to go after your fat loss journey that you wouldn’t have had otherwise.

Increased muscle retention, increased fat loss, BMR, bone density are all factors that when combined with cardio and a calorie deficit will come together to help you achieve your weight loss goals and any goals that you develop post-journey. Thus, truly helping you to be the person you were meant to be and make a transformation that will last for life.

 Transformation for life

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