LifestyleUncategorized Why Your Environment is Slowly Destroying You


Let’s get real for a second.

How many times this week have you felt like the world was out to get you?

You know the feeling — a heavy weight of negativity that follows you around like a bad smell. It creeps in from all directions: work, family, even that one “friend” who seems to always have something negative to say. You’re not alone.

Here’s the brutal truth: if you’re not actively curating your environment, it is destroying you.

You see, the world isn’t designed to keep you positive, motivated, and thriving. It’s designed to keep you in line, and that’s the problem. But you’re not here to be common, are you?

No, you’re here because you want to live an uncommon life. You want more than just getting by. You want to wake up with energy, perform at your peak, and feel mentally unshakable. The secret? It’s all in your environment.

#39 – The Power of Your Environment

When you’re constantly surrounded by negativity — whether from colleagues, friends, or even the news — it’s draining. And let’s be honest, it doesn’t matter who’s throwing that negative energy at you. Family, friends, co-workers, strangers — they all have the power to pull you down if you let them.

But here’s the thing: you get to choose who and what fills your environment.

As a leader, you must actively create an environment that fuels your growth. If you’re serious about living an uncommon life, it’s time to start treating your environment like your performance depends on it — because it does.

Here’s why.

5 Benefits of Surrounding Yourself with Positive Influences

  1. Improved Mood
    You know that lightness you feel after spending time with someone uplifting? That’s no accident. Positive interactions boost your mood and enhance your overall happiness, which counteracts the daily stressors trying to bring you down.
  2. Increased Motivation
    Let’s face it, staying motivated isn’t easy — but it’s a whole lot harder when you’re surrounded by people who couldn’t care less about their own growth. Surround yourself with driven, supportive individuals, and watch your own motivation skyrocket.
  3. Reduced Stress
    Stress is inevitable, but it doesn’t have to crush you. When you’re in a positive environment, the people around you help you face challenges calmly, with a solution-focused mindset. The result? Stress becomes a problem you manage, not something that manages you.
  4. Enhanced Productivity
    Collaboration becomes effortless when your environment is positive. Teams work better, family life becomes smoother, and you’ll find yourself achieving more in less time. Yes, that elusive work-life balance suddenly feels possible.
  5. Better Mental Health
    Your mind is your most valuable asset, and it needs protection. Regular exposure to positivity reduces anxiety, eases depression, and creates balance. That’s the key to a fulfilling life. It’s not about escaping the negativity — it’s about filling your world with enough good to overshadow it.

3 Ways to Limit Negativity in Your Life

  1. Curate Your Social Circle
    It’s time to take inventory. Who are you spending your time with? Are they uplifting, or are they dragging you down? Start prioritizing people who energize you and limit the ones who leave you feeling drained. Hard? Maybe. Necessary? Absolutely.
  2. Filter Your Media
    Do you really need to watch another depressing news story? What you consume, you become. If you’re constantly feeding your mind with negativity, guess what shows up in your life? Be selective. Choose content that inspires, uplifts, and motivates.


  1. Positive Affirmations
    Yes, they work. Speak life into your day before anyone else can tear it down. Positive affirmations create a shield against negativity, reinforcing a mindset of optimism and resilience. It’s one of the simplest, yet most powerful, changes you can make.

A Lesson From the Battlefield

In the military, we didn’t have the luxury of choosing our environment — but we learned quickly that our survival depended on our ability to control what we could. The people around us? They became our lifeline. Encouragement and positive reinforcement weren’t just nice-to-haves; they were necessary for us to navigate extreme pressure.

You might not be dodging bullets, but make no mistake — the environment you build today determines how well you handle the pressures of life tomorrow. The same principles apply in the boardroom, at home, and in your personal journey.

So, I’ll leave you with this:

“Surround yourself only with people who are going to lift you higher.” – Oprah Winfrey

The uncommon life is one where you consciously craft every part of your existence — your thoughts, your actions, and yes, your environment. So what are you going to do about it?

You know where to find me when you’re ready to explore more.

Play | Explore | Perform
– David Webb

P.S. If this hit home for you, hit me up on socials. Let’s talk about how you can start crafting an environment that helps you thrive.

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