Peaking the body to be aesthetically pleasing for a bodybuilding show, photoshoot, or even for vacation is all the same. It is for anyone that wants to look their absolute best on a specific date and use this week to reduce the water found in the outer extracellular layer (epidermis) all while keeping the water […]
The abdomen (Abs) are muscles all the same to the rest of your body. They are derived from both slow twitch muscle fibers, which stimulate better to low weight high reps, and fast twitch muscle fibers, which stimulate better to heavy weight and low reps. You can think of it in an effort standpoint. Fast […]
No matter if you are a male or female, everyone wants to pack on some quality size to their favorite muscle group (Arms, Back, Chest, Booty). Gaining has always been a winning factor to me no matter what type of growth there is, whether its performance, functional or aesthetically based. I have been an active […]