A.D. Scott

A.D. Scott

Main Products

  • Monthly Online Training with Start-Up Meal Plan

    Start-up Training Program which includes your exercises, number of reps, sets, and a general Nutrition Plan. 2-way messaging between you and your online trainer, so your trainer can motivate you and hold you accountable to your program. This gives you the guidance, direction, and confidence you need to be effective at home or in the gym! It also adds the personalized touch of going to a personal trainer. Whether you're traveling, or at home A.D. Scott Fitness Online is here for you!

    $250.00 USD
    per month


  • Customized Nutrition Planning

    For the individual that is ready to take their Health and Wellness Lifestyle to the next level. This Program is for you! Sign-up and get personalized nutrition guidance for you. Your meal plan will be customized to your specific wellness needs. We will use progress photos, habit coaching calls, and body stats to track your progress. This is a huge step in You becoming the Best Version of You!

    $400.00 USD
    per month
  • Video Online Coaching Call

    If you have any questions, need a check-in to ensure that you are on the right track, or some simple motivation, a coaching call is for you. Have a 30min video chat with one of our online coaches to keep you moving in the right direction!

    $50.00 USD
    one time

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