A little sneak peek into 1:1 coaching, giving you the security of fully understanding what the entire experience will be like before you pay anything!
1:1 Fitness Coaching - Customized workouts to your lifestyle and goals - Weekly check-ins and adjustments (google form / video call) - Access to Client Portal with educational and personal development resources for you to utilize whenever you want - Live educational trainings via Zoom - 24/7 access to your coach for questions and support 1:1 Nutrition Coaching - Improve your relationship with food - Reach health + wellness goals with an individualized approach using daily habits tailored to you and your lifestyle - No food rules to follow / NOT a fad diet - 1% better mentality
Every month you will get session credits for: • 1 x Nutrition Session (expire after 1 month) • 1 x Training Session (expire after 1 month)
1:1 Fitness Coaching - Customized workouts to your lifestyle and goals - Weekly check-ins and adjustments (form / video call) - Access to Client Portal with educational and personal development resources for you to utilize whenever you want - Live educational trainings via Zoom - 24/7 access to your coach for questions and support
Every month you will get 4 session credits for Training Session (expire after 1 month)
Coach Bri will take you through a series of movements that will show her your body's preferred way of moving + any potential muscle imbalances and/or movement compensations you may have
On purchase, you will get 1 session credits for Training Session (expire after 1 week)
This is a monthly group fitness and nutrition program made for women who want to live a balanced lifestyle and finally achieve their health and wellness goals, gain confidence, and feel empowered inside and outside of the gym.
1:1 Nutrition Coaching - Improve your relationship with food - Reach health + wellness goals with an individualized approach using daily habits tailored to you and your lifestyle - No food rules to follow / NOT a fad diet - 1% better mentality - Weekly video check-ins with Coach Bri
Every month you will get 4 session credits for Nutrition Session (expire after 1 month)
This is a monthly group fitness and nutrition program made for women who want to live a balanced lifestyle and finally achieve their health and wellness goals, gain confidence, and feel empowered inside and outside of the gym.