This program will target increasing strength of the Big 3 core lifts: BB Back Squat, BB Deadlift, and the BB Bench Press. It will be broken into 3 different phases. It is imperative to stay consistent each week with performing this routine for best results. Emphasis will be placed on improving the strength of the stabilizing muscles of each lift. For additional strengthening look at adding on greater core stability with a 6-week core add on program (beginner or intermediate). Access to this program will begin the upcoming Monday of completing the purchase. *Upon purchasing this program you will have access to it over the next 4 months*
This program is developed to take the core from creating basic stability on up to performing higher level abdominal strengthening. It will help fortify the spinal column as well as the stability of the lumbopelvic region for improving stability for large lifts such as the deadlift and squat. Consistency is key when performing core strengthening routines. Product will start the next Monday after purchase. *This product will be available for 4 months after purchase*
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