Nicola Graham

Nicola Graham

Main Products

  • Basic Meal Plan

    $50 per week (includes a week's worth of meals with basic recipes and grocery lists)

    $50.00 USD
    per week
  • Leg Sculpt Pro

    1. Strength Foundation: - Build a solid base with compound movements like squats and lunges. - Focus on form and muscle engagement for optimal results. 2. Hypertrophy Focus: - Elevate muscle growth with targeted exercises and increased volume. - Gradually intensify resistance to challenge your legs. 3. Isolation and Definition: - Sculpt your legs with isolation exercises for enhanced definition. - Employ techniques like drop sets and supersets for maximum impact. 4. Power and Plyometrics: - Integrate power exercises and plyometrics for explosive strength. - Emphasize controlled movements to optimize effectiveness. 5. Nutrition Guidance: - Receive personalized nutrition advice for muscle building. - Stay hydrated and nourished to support your leg transformation. 6. Regular Progress Assessments: - Bi-weekly check-ins to monitor strength gains and muscle definition. - Tailor workout plans based on individual responses. Ready to sculpt stronger, defined legs? Join the Leg Sculpt Pro program now!

    $347.00 USD
    per month
  • MenoSlim Program

    Embark on a personalized wellness journey designed for women navigating menopause and premenopause. Our MenoSlim program is tailored to: 1. Balanced Nutrition: - Customized meal plans focusing on hormone-balancing foods. - Nutritional guidance for managing menopausal symptoms. 2. Gentle Workouts: - Low-impact exercises accommodating changing energy levels. - Strength training to preserve muscle mass and boost metabolism. 3. Mindful Movement: - Incorporate mindful practices like yoga and meditation. - Stress management strategies for overall well-being. 4. Regular Assessments: - Bi-weekly check-ins to monitor progress and adjust plans. - Individualized adjustments for workouts and nutrition. 5. Community Support: - Engage with a supportive community within Trainerize. - Share successes, challenges, and tips with like-minded individuals. 6. Education on Hormonal Health: - Informative content on hormonal changes during menopause. - Strategies for managing symptoms through exercise and nutrition. 7. Celebration and Maintenance: - Final assessment to celebrate achievements. - Guidance on maintaining weight loss and sustaining a healthy lifestyle. Ready to redefine wellness during menopause? Join the MenoSlim Wellness Journey!

    $347.00 USD
    per month
  • Online Personal Training

    Welcome to Online Personal Training by Coach Cola! I'm here to guide you on your fitness journey with personalized workouts and meal plans. Whether you prefer exercising at home or hitting the gym, I have you covered. Let's make your weight loss goals a reality, with tailored plans designed for real results. Join me in achieving fitness success on your terms!

    $350.00 USD
    per month


  • Personal Training

    One on One personal training

    $420.00 USD
    per month
  • Premium Meal Plan

    Premium plan: $100 per week (includes a week's worth of meals with gourmet recipes, grocery lists, nutritional information, and ongoing support)

    $100.00 USD
    per week
  • Standard Meal Plan

    Standard plan: $75 per week (includes a week's worth of meals with more complex recipes, grocery lists, and nutritional information)

    $75.00 USD
    per week

Session Packs

  • In-Person Training

    / 60 min / one time

    As your personal trainer, I'll be your biggest cheerleader and accountability partner. I believe fitness should be fun and rewarding. We'll work together to build your confidence, celebrate your successes, and overcome any challenges you face. Your goals are my goals. Here Are 5 Tips to Consider When Getting Started with Coach Cola 1. Set SMART Goals: Define your fitness goals in a way that is Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound. This will give us a clear roadmap to follow. 2. Open Communication: Be honest and open about your current fitness level, any injuries or limitations, and your lifestyle habits. The more I know, the better I can tailor a plan for you. 3. Commitment to Consistency: Make time for your workouts and prioritize your health. Consistency is key to seeing results, and I'll be there to help you stay on track. 4. Positive Mindset: Approach your fitness journey with enthusiasm and a willingness to learn and grow. Challenges are inevitable, but a positive attitude will help you overcome them. 5. Trust the Process: Results take time and effort. Trust in my expertise, follow the plan, and be patient with yourself. We'll celebrate every milestone along the way! Bonus Tip: Proper Nutrition: Fuel your body with nutritious foods that support your fitness goals. I can provide guidance on healthy eating habits that complement your training.

    12 Sessions

    Expire after 1 month
    $420.00 USD
    $35.00 / session

    10 Sessions

    Expire after 1 month
    $375.00 USD
    $37.50 / session

    8 Sessions

    Expire after 1 month
    $350.00 USD
    $43.75 / session

    4 Sessions

    Expire after 1 month
    $250.00 USD
    $62.50 / session

    2 Sessions

    Expire after 3 weeks
    $150.00 USD
    $75.00 / session