On purchase, you will get 1 session credits for PT Call (expire after 2 weeks)
This Product is 1x a week in-person session with a workout program and a nutrition plan. In this plan, there will be a three-step process. Step 1. Optimize metabolism for fat loss. During this phase, you will be fixing and increasing your metabolism through food and exercise. Expect not to lose as much during this phase. Step 2. Fat loss activation phase. It would be much easier to lose fat once your metabolism is optimized for fat loss Step 3. Sustainability Phase During this phase we will set you at a high-maintenance state so you won't regain the weight you've loss and also teach you how to keep this weight off. For optimum results get a gym membership and get in the gym at least 3 days a week This product goes and re bills until you canceling or you can tell me to cancel.