Consider this a "Tryout" for your health and fitness. If you can hold yourself accountable to complete this week of training, then it is a very solid first step to continue on. I will be guiding you through the process and answering any questions you may have.
Why Diets and Traditional Fitness Programs Don’t Work (and What I Do Instead) When it comes to health and fitness, we’ve all seen the same cycle play out: you start a diet, and eventually, you stop it. You commit to an intense workout program, and before long, you’re burned out or too busy to stick […]
Feeling like the time has come for creating a new you? In the world of fitness, it’s easy to get lost in the sea of training programs, nutrition plans, and endless advice. Many of us have been there: enthusiastic about starting a new fitness journey, yet unsure where to begin or frustrated by lack of […]