Drew Moore

Vancouver, United States

Drew Moore

Vancouver, United States

Main Products

  • 12 Week Transformation

    This is a 12-week program split up into 4 progressive phases. We will be using an upper body/lower body 4-day split. -ab series -warm-ups -cool-downs -video demonstrations What to expect? To begin the week, there will be a lower body day followed by an upper body day. The rest day will be in the middle of the week on Wednesday and then we finish the week strong with another lower body day and upper body day. Each day is equipped with a warm-up, cool-down, and an ab series. You will also find so running in there twice a week as well. Now, if you cannot run, don't like running, or just don't want to do cardio, then don't run, easy. Buuuutttt, if you choose not to run I will still challenge you to do some form of cardio, a minimum of twice per week. FAQ: If I do cardio, won't it will kill my gains? - Actually, no, the research shows that the interference of aerobic training on muscular hypertrophy is statistically insignificant as long as your form of cardio is not stressing the same muscle group that was previously doing resistance training within ~6 hours. For example, if you do chest and back one day and then run that same day, there should be no interference. If you do legs one day and then run the same day within ~6 hours of your lift, there could be some interference. If I lift will I become big and bulky? -NOOOOOOO, this is one of my biggest pet peeves in the fitness world. If you lift you will gain muscle and that is a good thing! But also, you don't just get big and muscular, like a bodybuilder overnight, on accident. Trust me, that can only happen over time and on purpose! Enjoy!

    $100.00 USD
    one time
  • Couch to 5k Running Program

    This beginner running plan is designed to help you get introduced to running and not hate it…well not too much! Whether you'd like to do your runs on a treadmill or outdoors is up to you. Don't worry about increasing your speed for now, just aim to be consistent with the running! In an effort to reduce your risk of injury, I added warm ups and cool downs for each workout, as well as a twice per week weightlifting program. Feel free to repeat a week or take extra rest days if the training feels like it's moving too quickly for you. Listen to your body! FAQ: How does this work? - The program is based around run/walk intervals. For example, run for 30 seconds, walk for 90 seconds. During the walk, you should be able to fully recover. This means you should not be huffing and puffing at the end of whatever run duration you choose. If you are, or you’re not able to fully recover then change the run duration not the rest or the distance. What if I miss a day or a week? - That’s okay! Life happens! However, that is why I designed my program in this fashion. To make it more attainable and approachable for beginner runners. The best way to get better at running is by doing it. Building the habit and foundation for your future success as a runner. How fast should I run? - The pace you choose to run at should be easy. You should be able to sing while running or at least tell a story. This is your ventilatory threshold, which equates to roughly 5-7/10 RPE (rate of perceived exertion). For most this pace will feel painfully slow like you’re not doing anything and you might as well be walking. That’s good, that’s the pace you want for the majority of your training sessions. This will help your body adapt. If I do cardio, won't it will kill my gains? - Actually, no, the research shows that the interference of cardio on muscle growth is statistically insignificant as long as your form of cardio is not stressing the same muscle group that was previously doing resistance training within ~6 hours. For example, if you do chest and back one day and then run that same day, there should be no interference. If you do legs one day and then run the same day, depending on mileage and intensity, there may be some interference, but minimal. If your goal is to increase mileage, run first then lift. If your goal is to increase muscle size, lift before you run.

    $25.00 USD
    one time
  • Membership

    Tired of doing random youtube exercises and not seeing results? Look no further! I have also decided to partner with Jessica Luna aka, @LawlesslyLiving on Instagram. She is an integrative health coach who graciously agreed to offer 1 session per month to those who sign up as my client! If you sign up as her client for health coaching you get a free workout program from me as part of your package! What's included: - Custom program tailored to the client's needs - Warm-ups/cool-downs - Health Coaching - Goal setting - Habit tracking - Nutritional guidance - User-friendly app (option for pdf or excel spreadsheet upon request) - Video demonstrations and explanations - 24/7 messaging access to me if there are any questions - Weekly check-ins or as needed - Access to the Moore Movement community chat within the app for support and socialization

    $175.00 USD
    per month


  • Sole Survivor Kit

    Embark on your running journey with confidence armed with these essential tips. Each aspect contributes to a fulfilling and injury-free running experience.

    $3.99 USD
    one time

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