Teriesa Ballard

Teriesa Ballard

Teriesa's Posts

How to Stay Motivated When Progress Slows

11 Mar 2025

“I haven’t lost any weight in a few weeks and I’m getting frustrated with my program, why is this not working?” This is a question that comes up from time to time with clients that you may relate to. It can be very frustrating to be on track and hit a plateau with progress in […]

How Important is Nutrition, Really?

3 Sep 2024

Understanding the Role of Nutrition in Fitness There are so many ideas out there about nutrition and what diet is the best for weight loss, strength gain, and ‘toning’. Is there really a diet that is THE BEST? Is nutrition really a big deal when it comes to long-term fitness goals? This article will talk […]

The Anti-Inflammatory Power of Exercise

14 Aug 2024

If you’ve been on the internet and social media for a while now, there is almost a guarantee that you’ve heard about the inflammation epidemic that is surrounding us today. Many people online will offer their take on the topic and offer anti-inflammatory solutions that aren’t necessarily sustainable or backed by research. Exercise: A Proven […]

Feet First: The Key Role of Feet in Skeletal Health

10 Aug 2024

When getting started with learning about fitness, I found myself intrigued by the physical therapy side of things. I saw so many injuries from people and wanted to learn how to help heal and “fix” their injuries and pain. The most common injuries I came across had to do with the knee, hip and back. […]

What Is Mobility and How Does It Impact Overall Fitness?

2 Aug 2024

Many people hear this word gets thrown around often. Mobility is a combination of strength and flexibility and being able to move a joint throughout its whole range of motion. Many confuse flexibility with mobility; however, they are two different things. Mobility will be impactful for all daily living. However, two key parts it influences […]

Working Out With Backpain

29 Aug 2022

Backpain. This is something many people have to deal with when they want to start working out more. Exercising can really help with backpain, however, going about it in the wrong way can cause more harm than what they started with. Once you have been cleared for exercise, there are a couple of things to […]

No Time for a Long Workout? No Worries!

22 Aug 2022

Since starting my journey as a Personal Trainer, I have had a number of individuals come to me asking for a workout plan. I want to help them with their goals but there’s a catch; they only have 10-15 minutes a day to get the workout in. This begs the question: How can I effectively […]