This 3-Day Anti-Inflammatory meal plan will be a stepping stone in starting your health and wellness journey! Packed with delicious recipes, meal and snack ideas, step-by-step directions/guides, I cannot wait for you to get started and see the difference fueling your body can truly make! Blessings, Amy- Temple Health & Wellness
Let's connect together! This FREE COACHING CALL will allow for you to tell us your personal health story, health/wellness history, fitness goals, nutritional goals, and any other concerns you are inquiring! We will discuss your options, provide you free feedback/takeaways, and review next steps should you decide to pursue Temple Health Coaching. Blessings, Temple Health
On purchase, you will get 1 session credits for Free Initial Coaching Consultation (expire after 1 month)
Stabilization Training, Injury Prevention, & Increased Longevity Fitness is always something I’ve been passionate about and as I have grown in my faith, I recognize that it is a true gift from God. His goodness and gifting have allowed me to do something I truly love each day, and for that, I am forever grateful. […]
Creating a morning routine has been a key factor in my client’s success, and this is not happening by coincidence. Success leaves clues and it’s no doubt that being intentional in how we direct our time will impact our ability to achieve various goals. One of the reasons our morning routine time is so impactful […]