"Transformation Plan" @ $999. This plan is a complete package including: **DNA & Gut Microbiome Testing, Analysis and Results Summary; **Personalized 12-16 Week Nutritional Plan(NO BOXED FOODS or MLM) **Complete with menus, exchanges, recipes, shopping lists; Personalized 12-16 Week Exercise Program; **The Fitness Guy App to record every workout, meal, picture, metrics, etc.; Daily Text; **Weekly Group Video Accountability Call, Reprogramming/Updating. ---LIMITED TO (30) PARTICIPANTS
(1) 60min Consultation ONLINE; This plan is completely digital & sent directly to your phone and/or email. Specifically tailored to your individual needs, preferences, allergies, budget & more; 7-Day, 6 meal per day plan with full shopping list, recipes as well as exchanges. Fuel your Goals with the RIGHT Nutrition Plan from the start! Food is the Fuel for Success, not pills, powders, starving or games-learn how to fuel your life for longevity, not just a few pounds! Utilizing Evolution Nutrition which combines some of the best technology, information, food data bases and software on the market, you can now meet with your trainer and design the EXACT food plan you need to finally hit your goals! Whether your goals are Weight Loss, Dropping body Fat, Muscle Gain, Getting Lean/Tone, Reducing Inflammation & Pain, Increasing Sports Performance or just wanting to learn how to eat healthier for yourself and your family, Evolution Nutrition will provide the recipe! By understanding how you need to eat, you can now easily budget your shopping to maximize your life in other areas! Incredibly important for families!
(1) 60min Consultation ONLINE per month; This plan is completely digital & sent directly to your phone and/or email. *Modified every (30) days to maintain & enhance bodies compliance. Specifically tailored to your individual needs, preferences, allergies, budget & more; 7-Day, 6 meal per day plan with full shopping list, recipes as well as exchanges. Fuel your Goals with the RIGHT Nutrition Plan from the start! Food is the Fuel for Success, not pills, powders, starving or games-learn how to fuel your life for longevity, not just a few pounds! Utilizing Evolution Nutrition which combines some of the best technology, information, food data bases and software on the market, you can now meet with your trainer and design the EXACT food plan you need to finally hit your goals! Whether your goals are Weight Loss, Dropping body Fat, Muscle Gain, Getting Lean/Tone, Reducing Inflammation & Pain, Increasing Sports Performance or just wanting to learn how to eat healthier for yourself and your family, Evolution Nutrition will provide the recipe! By understanding how you need to eat, you can now easily budget your shopping to maximize your life in other areas! Incredibly important for families!
Comprehensive DNA testing & analysis combined with Gut Microbiome for the most complete overview of your health. No more guess work on what to do! **All encompassing-Health, Gut, Anti-Aging, Disease Risk Factors, Nutritional Profile, Fuel Utilization, Optimal Supplements, Cardio, Strength Training, Recovery, Injury Risk, Mental/Physical Foundations and much more! Analyzes (98) unique DNA traits specific to your Health, Fitness, Nutrition, Aging & Goal ability + 3000 reference genomes representing your microbiome as well as 100 major nutrients and metabolites. Weight Loss/Fat Loss Ability, Muscle Gain, Macro & Micronutrient Utilization, Metabolism, Exercise Response, Mental & Physical Foundations, Recovery, Injury Risk, Healthy Aging, Skin Health, Organ Health, Vision, Sleep & Supplementation(No Affiliation) (80)+ Page Detailed Report 12 Week Personalized Nutritional Plan 12 Week Personalized Exercise Program Unlimited access & use of The Fitness Guy Mobile App (90)Min 1-1 Live Video Program Review
Comprehensive DNA testing & analysis. No more guess work on what to do! **Designed primarily for establishing an optimal nutritional lifestyle. What is GxNutrient? GxNutrient provides a comprehensive analysis of your genetic predisposition to absorbing micronutrients in your diet. Even if you eat a perfectly balanced diet with plenty of naturally occurring vitamins and minerals, most of us have some difficulty in absorbing one or more micronutrients at the cellular level. Understanding your genetic profile for how your body likely processes key vitamins and minerals is an important step in developing a healthy nutrition program. (15)+ Page Detailed Report 12 Week Personalized Nutritional Plan 12 Week Personalized Exercise Program Unlimited access & use of The Fitness Guy Mobile App (60)Min 1-1 Live Video Program Review
Comprehensive DNA testing & analysis. No more guess work on what to do! **Designed primarily for Sports Performance & Recovery. Analyzes (80) DNA genetic markers. Performance: (15) specific genetic markers related to your athletic performance & recovery; Mental & Physical Foundations; Training Response; Fuel Utilization; Recovery Recommendations and more. (80)+ Page Detailed Report 12 Week Personalized Nutritional Plan 12 Week Personalized Exercise Program Unlimited access & use of The Fitness Guy Mobile App (60)Min 1-1 Live Video Program Review
Comprehensive DNA testing & analysis. No more guess work on what to do! **Designed primarily for Anti-Aging & Longevity. Analyzes (98) DNA genetic markers. Anti-Aging & Longevity: (28) specific genetic markers related to healthy aging; Skin Health; Mental Function; Organ Health; Sleep Duration; Vision; Healthy Weight and more. (80)+ Page Detailed Report 12 Week Personalized Nutritional Plan 12 Week Personalized Exercise Program Unlimited access & use of The Fitness Guy Mobile App (60)Min 1-1 Live Video Program Review
Comprehensive DNA testing & analysis. No more guess work on what to do! **Designed primarily for weight/fat loss. Analyzes (48) DNA genetic markers. Weight Loss Ability-(16) specific genetic markers related to your weight loss ability; Food recommendations, Macronutrient breakdown and daily caloric needs to hit goals; Nutrient & supplement recommendations; exercise recommendations for strength training and cardio and more. (80)+ Page Detailed Report 12 Week Personalized Nutritional Plan 12 Week Personalized Exercise Program Unlimited access & use of The Fitness Guy Mobile App (60)Min 1-1 Live Video Program Review
Comprehensive DNA testing & analysis. No more guess work on what to do! **All encompassing-Health, Fitness, Diet, Fuel Utilization, Exercise & more. Analyzes (36) unique DNA traits specific to your Health, Fitness & Goal ability. Weight Loss Ability, Muscle Gain, Macro & Micro nutrient Utilization, Metabolism, Exercise Response, Mental & Physical Foundations, Recovery, Injury Risk, Healthy Aging, Skin Health, Organ Health, Vision, Sleep & Supplementation(No Affiliation) (80)+ Page Detailed Report 12 Week Personalized Nutritional Plan 12 Week Personalized Exercise Program Unlimited access & use of The Fitness Guy Mobile App (60)Min 1-1 Live Video Program Review
Give the Gift that Gives Back! Perfect for (1) Coaching/Consulting Session per week for (6) weeks. REAL customized 7-Day Nutritional Plans; Online Coaching; Consulting; The Fitness Guy App & Mobile Training/Videos! So many options to choose from! This voucher may be utilized for and towards any of Services of The Fitness Guy. *No Cash Value; Please visit (https://www.trainerize.me/profile/thefitnessguy1/David.London) to choose services; Contact TFG to begin; 12 Month Expiration from date of activation.
Give the Gift that Gives Back! REAL customized 7-Day Nutritional Plans; Online Coaching; Consulting; The Fitness Guy App & Mobile Training/Videos! So many options to choose from! This voucher may be utilized for and towards any of Services of The Fitness Guy. *No Cash Value; Please visit (https://www.trainerize.me/profile/thefitnessguy1/David.London) to choose services; Contact TFG to begin; 12 Month Expiration from date of activation.
Give the Gift that Gives Back! REAL customized 7-Day Nutritional Plans; Online Coaching, The Fitness Guy App & Mobile Training/Videos! So many options to choose from! This voucher may be utilized for and towards any of Services of The Fitness Guy. *No Cash Value; Please visit (https://www.trainerize.me/profile/thefitnessguy1/David.London) to choose services; Contact TFG to begin; 12 Month Expiration from date of activation.
Comprehensive Gut Microbiome testing & analysis. 70% of your immune system and overall health is determined by your guy-START HERE! **Designed primarily for baseline Health, Disease Risk Reduction & Strong Immune System. Analyzes (3000) reference genomes & (100) major nutrients & metabolites. Your gut health: Poor Gut Health is attributed to Mental Health, Anxiety, Depression, Weight Gain, Obesity, Metabolism, Cardiovascular Diseases, Sleep Apnea, Hormone Imbalances, Kidney Disease, Cancers and much more. This is a crucial test for anyone looking to be the healthiest they can be! (15)+ Page Detailed Report 12 Week Personalized Nutritional Plan 12 Week Personalized Exercise Program Unlimited access & use of The Fitness Guy Mobile App (60)Min 1-1 Live Video Program Review
Comprehensive Gut Microbiome testing & analysis. No more guess work on what to do! 70% of your overall health & wellness stems from a healthy gut! START HERE! **Designed primarily for Optimizing overall health & lowering disease risk factors, increasing health & longevity. Analyzes (3000) genomes and 100 major nutrients & metabolites. Your gut health: Poor Gut Health is attributed to Mental Health, Anxiety, Depression, Weight Gain, Obesity, Metabolism, Cardiovascular Diseases, Sleep Apnea, Hormone Imbalances, Kidney Disease, Cancers and much more. Your gut is SO important to your life, wellness and longevity. (15)+ Page Detailed Report 12 Week Personalized Nutritional Plan 12 Week Personalized Exercise Program Unlimited access & use of The Fitness Guy Mobile App (60)Min 1-1 Live Video Program Review
(1)-60min ‘ONLINE’ Personalized One-on-One Consultation or Workout. Options: Health & Fitness overview; Program Design; Pre-Workout/Trainer Interview; Nutritional & Supplement Research, Review and Suggestions; Body Composition Overview & Assessment; Lifestyle Coaching; Goal Setting; Full Body Workout.
This is an (8-12) Hour ON-SITE Consultation; Complete review of PT Systems, Management, Sales, Staff, Current Systems in Place, CRM, Software, Presentation SOP, Annual Budget, Plan & (36-60) Month Trend, NMU/Tour to PT Appt Conversion, Total Members to PT %, POS PT, Resign Rate, Client Tenure, Trainer Attrition & more! Bottom line, how is your PT Department functioning? Rocking and is a high profit revenue stream; Covering its own expenses; Is barely hanging on; Non-existent. Most PT Departments see an immediate increase in POS PT, Upgrades & New PT from existing mbshp post consultation. Simplify the process by focusing on consultative processes based of composition & goal setting NOT sales followed by definitive plans to offer prospective new client. EFT & Cash Sales will increase typically no less than 20% first (30) days!
(3) Hour Minimum; $275 per (3) Hour Block; Includes ONLINE or IN-PERSON consultation, research of plans/needs and full report. Detailed report covers many of the items listed below. I can help design any studio on any budget. Ready to build your own personal training/workout studio? Are you thinking of your home, office or commercial space? Knowing all the specific details for personal to professional is crucial to the enjoyment and success of your new place. For Example: BUDGET is vital to establishing prior to beginning!!!! Square Foot working with/needed; Garage, Warehouse, Retail Space; Type of studio/facility desired; Type of equipment desired-functional, traditional, cardio machines, weights, etc.; Technology; Infrastructure; Private or Open to Public; Insurances, Licenses, Tenant Laws & TI's; Sound/Acoustics; Flooring; Actual build out:electrical, plumbing, networking, lighting, heating/cooling; Open space or compartmentalized; Colors; Leases, Landlords, Liability; Name, Logos, Colors, Mission Statement, Intent; Funding; Marketing; Staffing; Services; Business Plans; Equipment Costs & where to get equipment; New or Used; Best equipment to get; Commercial grade or residential grade; Maintenance/Repair Costs; POS Software, Check In, Key Fobs, Thumbprint/PIN #, Club Management Software; Classes; Private Training; Employee vs 1099; Web, Social Media, Apps; Payment Processing; Hours; Location: Parking; Child Watch; Franchise or Individual; Buffet Build or Specialty; Uniforms, Janitorial; Corporate Accounts/Credit; Associations-BBB, Chamber, IDEA, IHRSA; Trainers Accreditation-NASM, ACSM, ACE, NSCA; You get the point?? There is SO much in just 'building' your own studio! However, if you're just putting a few things in your garage, then maximize your budget, get what you want at a fraction of retail, learn how to install it & more.
This is the premier & ideal subscription for the Health, Wellness & Fitness enthusiast who wants to have a Trainer on Demand! No matter the date, time or question, have direct contact to The Fitness Guy! 100% Real, not AI or Bot. No need to keep surfing online, watching countless hours of half-truth videos, being motivated to follow bad information and methods not specific to your personal situation. ASK A CERTIFIED & INSURED PROFESSIONAL MASTER TRAINER! Subscription covers (5) Direct-Live texts per (24) hours; All texts GO through your personal The Fitness Guy app portal. These are NOT public texts as you are a subscriber and client of The Fitness Guy. All you texts are 100% confidential and private. Nutritional plan, weight loss/gain, workouts, supplements and more. Text your Trainer and get the information you need to finally achieve those goals! After subscription has been ordered, you will be directed to download The Fitness Guy app to your phone, then you will be emailed the required waivers, PAR-Q(Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire,) Goal Sheet and Liability Waiver. Once completed, you will receive a "Welcome to The Fitness Guy's Client Roster!" text. Then-text away! *Think about your questions prior to text to ensure your question is understood and answered as best, and as quickly, as possible.