Training Arc

Training Arc specializes in personal and online training. Train with our revolutionary online training app. Our trainers will customize your unique workouts, which you can access online or through your smartphone.

Main Products

  • Kirito (Virtual Training)

    "I feel more alive here than in the real world." -Kirito Don't have gym access? Have a gym but a busy schedule? Don't like working out at a gym, but still need a guided and interactive program? This option is for you. With 24-hour access to me, as well as a detailed workout plan tailored to your environment and schedule, this package comes with all you need to accomplish goals. Weekly check ins, as well as meal/nutrition guidance is included!

    $150.00 USD
    per month
  • No Gym No Life

    The Level 1 Strength and Movement guide for everyone. This is the program that kickstarts you into your health and fitness journey! This program is guaranteed to unlock proper movement patterns, build strength, flexibility, and mobility, improve joint and tissue quality, and scales to any level of fitness. Throughout the years with both me and my clients, the #1 thing that I've noticed keeps people from accomplishing their goals is beginning, getting hurt, and then finding inconsistency with their workouts after that. This program aims to address those issues by working around what are considered the fundamental movement patterns, which are everyday things every human SHOULD be able to do- pain free. These are things such as squatting, pushing, pulling, etc. With only the use of body weight and resistance bands- we can properly scale these exercises to be both effective and the right amount of challenge without risking too much injury. With the flexibility of resistance bands and body weight training, we can modify a lot of exercises as well- making this perfect for those who may have an injury issue or strength/mobility concerns! Included: 8-Week Bodyweight/Resistance band-based program Bi-weekly check in Nutrition Guidance and Meal advice Exercise Library with Mobility exercises custom made for your areas of need

    $30.00 USD
    one time
  • The Arc

    4 Sessions of the One for All (General Fitness) complete with nutrition guide!

    $150.00 USD
    per month
  • The Arc Hybrid I

    This is a great option for those with a hectic schedule who want to train. With this package you will receive a combination of online training and live training with me. Customized workout plans will be uploaded and supplementary to the work we do live- all catered to you and your environment! Comes with 1 session of the One for All once monthly for progress! Only available for Central Florida residents.

    Every month you will get 1 session credits for PT session (do not expire)

    $150.00 USD
    per month


  • Food Wars (Nutrition Guide Vol.1)

    At Training Arc, we believe remaining consistent with training and diet leads to long lasting, sustainable results. That being said, understanding the human body fundamentally and its energy systems is key. This nutrition guide is sought to make what is a large and overwhelming part of health simple and digestible (no pun intended). As a short 4 page read- it gives basic guidance on macromolecules, what they do in the body, and some basic meal/food examples to aid anyone in their fitness journey!

    $10.00 USD
    one time
  • Isagi (Performance Training)

    "Your talent is a fierce gemstone that turns into worthless complacency if you don't polish it. "- Ego Designed for the athlete desiring to take their athletic performance to the next level. Backed by experience from a division 1 athlete and current martial artist with experience with a multitude of sports, this session is highly specified to tailor to the demands of each athlete as an individual in relation to their sport.

    On purchase, you will get 1 session credits for PT session (do not expire)

    $60.00 USD
    one time
  • One For All (General Fitness 1 Hour)

    "There's nothing crueler than letting a dream end midway." -Aizawa Designed for those seeking to get in the gym and stay in the gym. These sessions are designed to maximize muscle gain, burn fat, and increase vitality through a variety of exercises catered to each client's specific goals, limitations, and enjoyment.

    On purchase, you will get 1 session credits for PT session (do not expire)

    $40.00 USD
    one time
  • Rock Lee (Boxing/Kickboxing/Striking)

    "My motto is to be stronger than yesterday, if I have to I'll be stronger than half a day ago, even a minute ago! The epitome of hard work, dedication and striking! This session is designed for those looking to improve fitness and learn striking through strike training. Backed by a multitude of martial arts experience and knowledge, this session will challenge you physically while developing new skills in a fun learning environment!

    On purchase, you will get 1 session credits for PT session (do not expire)

    $50.00 USD
    one time

Training Arc