Do you raid your refrigerator for food when stressed, angry, or depressed? Do you eat at social events even when you are not hungry? Are you always trying a new fad diet or restricting your calories? Do you even know, or have you thought about, what type of eater you are? Most people have never […]
February is American Heart Month. Did you know that Heart Disease is the number one killer of women in the United States, not Breast Cancer? Heart Disease is the cause of one out of 3 deaths of women each year, one woman every minute! Heart disease strikes more women than men, and one in 31 women dies […]
The holiday season is fast approaching. Though I love the holidays because of Christmas lights, music, storefront decorations, and the whole ambiance of the holiday season, I do get the blues. My husband and I spend Thanksgiving and Christmas together with our three cats. There have been times we have spent with family members, but […]
I like to say that strength training causes muscles, ligaments, tendons, and bones to get stronger, and cardiovascular conditioning creates a stronger heart. The combination of the two, along with healthy nutrition, makes the body stronger, leaner, and more efficient in handling activities of daily living and environmental stressors. This is ultimate health. As someone […]
Is it worth hiring a private trainer or health coach? I like to say Health is Wealth. Hiring a Fitness Professional is one of the best investments you can make for overall health and well-being. Have you ever considered beginning an exercise program but struggled to know where to start? Are you finding it difficult […]